Up to 1 Gb FREE

HTML5 Video Converter

Encode MP4, WebM, OGG online. No software installation needed

Encode MP4 Encode WebM Encode OGV/Ogg Encode Windows Media

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Convert media files on your device using our proprietary cloud conversion tool.
Simply select a file that you wish to convert and choose from the various video format options that are available.

No Software to install
Just upload your Video file. Conversion happens online.

WebM - MP4 - OGV/OGG, WMV Windows Media
Your choose any format

Big files possible
Currently up to 4Gb

All the content is stored on our server for 24 hours unless extended storage option is selected

No Sign up needed. 

Upload your video to start the conversion. Once completed, you can download the converted files

Virus free, Ad Free
No viruses or ads will be inserted into your files

Pricing (per file size uploaded)

Up to 1Gb (FREE)
1Gb- 2Gb (2 USD)
2Gb- 3Gb (3 USD)
3Gb- 4Gb (4 USD)